Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NanoWriMo: Week One

Well, I've managed to write every day of the first week of NaNoWriMo, although I haven't quite made the daily goal I set out for myself when I started.  As of right now, I'm 2,000 words behind and have written just over 12,000, or to put it another way, I'm basically one day behind.  The weekend wasn't good for writing, so I didn't make my quota every day.  Tonight isn't looking good at all.  My son's final soccer practice is this evening; they're playing for the championship this weekend.  I've got a stack of exams sitting here that I need to finish grading before tomorrow morning.  If the morning goes like today and yesterday did, then I can't count on finding time to grade in the morning. 

On the whole, though, I'd say the first week has been a success.  Taking a day or so off shouldn't kill my momentum.  I need to think about what each of the three viewpoint characters is going to go through next to get them where I ultimately want them to end up.

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